Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness Végigjátszás Első fejezet: Paris Parisian Back StreetsTitkos gyakorlópályaDerelict Apartment BlockIndustrial RooftopsMargot Carvier's Apartment Parisian GhettoThe Serpent Rouge - Bernard útvonalThe Serpent Rouge - Pierre útvonalBouchard's Hideout - 1St. Aicard's ChurchRenne's Pawnshop - 1St. Aicard's GraveyardBouchard's Hideout - 2Renne's Pawnshop - 2 Louvre Storm DrainsLouvre GalleriesArchaeological Dig Tomb of the Ancients The Hall of SeasonsNeptune's HallWrath of the BeastSanctuary of the FlameThe Breath of Hades Tomb of the Ancients - 2Archeological Dig - 2Galleries Under SiegeVon Croy's Apartment Második fejezet: Prague The Monstrum Crime SceneThe Strahov FortressBio-Research Facility The Sanitarium (Kurtis)Maxiumum Containment Area (Kurtis) Aquatic Research AreaThe Vault of Trophies Boaz Returns (Kurtis)The Lost DomainEckhardt's Lab